Horrible Bosses 2 uses the same comedic puzzle pieces to entertain once more. Horrible Bosses 2 might as well be subtitled in Latin 'Exactam" or "Perfecte" for its near exact copy of the 2011 original. For the most part, we seem to get Unfunny Comedy Sequel, riddled with plot holes and standing for nothing more than a quick cash-in on past success. Luckily, Horrible Bosses 2 is just as good as the original, filled with more of what we liked while knowing exactly what it's not. For Nick (Jason Bateman), Kurt (Jason Sudeikis), and Dale (Charlie Day) life is much better than when we left them. They've all walked away from their evil bosses, even landing one of them (Kevin Spacey) in jail. Meanwhile, Dale's sexually available former boss Julia (Jennifer Aniston) is still pursuing him, but that doesn't faze the boys. They've decided to launch their own business, a forgettable item called The Shower Buddy, which they demonstrate to (int...