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Showing posts with the label survey


Survey: Netflix Users Cut Their Pay TV Services

What does the newest survey say, and should Pay Television be worried? Story by Matt Cummings If the proof really is in the pudding, than the stuff that Netflix is serving its customers must be very satisfying. According to a recent survey , 92% of Netflix users expressed satisfaction with the streaming and DVD services, with 93% stating that they intend to have the service one year from now. The survey also revealed less-than-rosy consumer feelings about Pay Television: although 67% answered that they have PT, approximately 9% said they plan on ending their service. Moreover, 16% expressed doubt that they would still have their PT by this time next year. The survey compiled results from 829 Netflix subscribers and was conducted June 1-14 by the website Among other facts in their announcement: 1. Approximately 77% of respondents said they have their Internet, PT, and telephone "bundled" to save on cost. 2. Netflix users apparent...

Netflix Ratings for Original Series Revealed

One of the great mysteries of modern television is finally solved...sort of. Story by Matt Cummings It's true that Netflix has become not only an important player in the changing viewing habits of Americans but also a household name with incredible financial value. But the streaming company has always been a mystery in regards to the real numbers it draws, especially in the realm of its Original Series releases. To say Netflix has been less than forthright with that data is an understatement, becoming one of the closest-held secrets in modern television. But, a recent survey by San Diego-based Luth Research has shed a least a little light on this, assembling a wide swath of US Netflix subscribers to determine the most popular programs on the service. Luth looked at viewing across a wide variety of devices, but not televisions or gaming consoles. As reported exclusively by Variety, the survey reveals much about what people are watching, as well as who might be cha...

Survey: Consumers Now Prefer Streaming vs Live TV

What do the survey's results mean for the future of television? Story by Matt Cummings Ours is a world driven by technology. From smart devices to web apps, technology has affected the way we live every minute of our lives. And according to a new survey, it's affecting the way people consume entertainment. According to The Deloitte Digital Democracy Survey , US consumers are now more willing to watch streaming entertainment than tune in to it via live TV. The ninth annual results were published by the consulting firm Deloitte, who sampled 2,076 US consumers from Nov. 3-19, 2014. Here is just some of the landmark data: Services such as Netflix, who now have subscribers in approximately 42% of American households, have overtaken live television as the most preferred way to watch programming. More people now stream movies (56%) and television (53%), eclipsing those who still prefer to watch live television (45%). Consumers 14-25 - dubbed the "Trailing Mil...