TV Review 24: Live Another Day Finale “10:00 PM-11:00 AM” By: Brandon Wolfe ‘24’ is a nasty piece of work. It’s a violent, ruthless, completely unforgiving enterprise. Apart from the fleeting moments of catharsis when a villain meets his or her demise or a crisis is averted, there are no happy endings on this show. The heroes never truly win, even when they’ve technically won. In the early goings, ‘24’s’ bleakness set it apart, made it unique. That the show could end a season on a soul-crushing downer gave it a mean-spirited edge that seemed refreshing in the comparatively brighter television landscape into which it was birthed. But ‘24’ has been bumming us out for nine seasons now, never letting even a tiny ray of light sneak through its aura of oppressive gloom. So resolute is ‘24’ in its bid to constantly shock its audience that it doesn’t seem to realize that it has made being defiantly cutthroat into a formula. After 13 years, the most shocking thing ‘24’ could...