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Showing posts with the label Virus Outbreak


TV Review: #Containment – S01E01 - Pilot Episode

This has to be one of the most intriguing pilot episodes I’ve seen thus far for a viral/zombie/outbreak show. Review By Erika Ashley A virus breaks out in the heart of Atlanta weaving a group of strangers into a deadly mix. During this pilot episode of the much anticipated new television drama Containment breaks into the scene with a bang. Jump start to a preview of Day 13 of the viral outbreak. The National Guard busts out of a trucking container into a frenzy of citizens fighting for survival. Bodies are burning in the street, a mother screams for help while carrying a bloodied lifeless child in her arms. A true feast for the eyes of hungry horror and gore fanatics. Flash back to the beginning – Day 1 of the outbreak. A group of children visit the Atlanta Midtown Hospital on a field trip accompanied by their doe-eyed teacher, Katie Frank. While the children enter the facility the scene jumps to a doctor, Rita Sanders, showing signs of infection and is quarantined. She reca...