Disney To Air Tron And The Avengers Animated Series Disney Channel is developing a "Tron" animated series to follow the upcoming theatrical release of "Tron: Legacy." The news was part of Disney's upfront presentation Tuesday evening to media buyers and clients, which included a preview of the "Tron" series. Geared towards kids age 6-14, the plan is to precede "Tron" with another project, a 10-part "Tron" micro-series premiering in fall 2011 on Disney XD. Gary Marsh, entertainment president and chief creative officer of Disney Channels Worldwide, also offered a glimpse of "Legacy," which is at such an early juncture in the development process that only stills were available. "Tron is another example of how we can take advantage of the intellectual property that the studio unit pays tens, if not hundreds, of millions to develop and market," said Marsh. The "Tron" projects represent a CGI-refresh of Disne...