Four years after Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles ended its run on Fox, Skydance Productions and Annapurna Pictures are teaming to bring the Arnold Schwarzenegger franchise back to TV. The producers behind the upcoming fifth installment have tapped Thor and X-Men: First Class writers Zack Stentz and Ashley Miller to write and executive produce a new Terminator television series that will be a companion piece to the rebooted trilogy. The TV series will follow a critical moment from the first Terminator film (1984), and where the film's story goes one way, the upcoming series will take the same moment in a completely different direction. As the rebooted film trilogy and the new TV series progress, the two narratives will intersect with each other in surprising and dramatic ways. The TV series will be produced by Annapurna's Megan Ellison and Skydance's David Ellison alongside Skydance chief creative officer Dana Goldberg and TV chief Marcy Ross. Laeta Kalog...