Directed by Mario Mattei, this 90-minute documentary offers a thrilling inside look at the lives of four extraordinary businessmen and sports car drivers who work hard and race even harder. Unlike the worlds of professional football or soccer, where a non-professional can’t buy his way into playing in the Super Bowl or World Cup, the world of sports car racing has a long-standing tradition of allowing world-class businessmen to pay to compete in top racing events like the 24 Hours of Le Mans. This film shines a spotlight on four such “ Gentlemen Drivers ”: Ed Brown, President and CEO of Patron Spirits Inc.; Ricardo Gonzalez, Chairman of the Board of ASUCQ; Mike Guasch, CEO Molecule Labs; and Paul Dalla Lana, CEO of NorthWest Value Partners Inc. Join these high-level businessmen as they strap themselves in behind the wheels of the world’s most technologically-advanced race cars to participate in the exhilarating and often dangerous world of international sports car racing. Wat...