This week's episode of Inside the Bucket is online! Revel in the digital mastery! On this highly sexual episode of Inside the Bucket , the boys get down and dirty to help one of their own. Join Matt and Sandwich John as they do everything in their power to control the sexual force that is Rama from Apparently, Rama has sex on his mind, while the others just try to keep from dropping the soap by bringing you up to speed on all things going on in the world of entertainment. They deliver the freshest, ballsiest news from the week that was (mostly) covered on our website SANDWICHJOHNFILMS.COM . Already dripping with SJF ballsy grease, the boys endeavor to discuss several items of supposed importance. Their jam-packed news section includes an unlikely turn for Rogue One , a release date for Pacific Rim 2 , and news about Star Wars Episode VIII . Then it's on to this week's box office report, as Matt compares the July 4th weekend numbers to pre...