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@FunkoDCLegion Review: January 2017

Legion's DC LEGACY box pushes the boundaries of Funko cool. Review by Matt Cummings With a November BATMAN VILLAINS that exposed Funko's long-term problem with all of their lines (that is, a serious amount of fatigue), January 2017's sub box is a startling lesson that perhaps the company has actually listened to fans, taken the heartbeat of the sub box genre, and arrived at a terrific solution. The Promise Before we begin, let's look at the deal again: promising a value of $50, the sub continues the tradition of Funko partnering each time to deliver an exclusive figure and t-shirt without the fluff or filter (their words). Joining at the VIGILANTE MEMBERSHIP, members receive 6 boxes every year, with the promise of an exclusive themed collectible gift on the one-year anniversary of your annual membership pf $150 p sh/h. You can also subscribe at the SIDEKICK LEVEL at $25 with $6.95 shipping. That's literally the same deal as Marvel Collector ...

Mattel Exclusive Comic-Con 2010

Mattel Collectibles Exclusive For Comic-Con 2010 If you have ever been to Comic-Con then you know how crazy it gets, when you try to get your hand on Exclusive items from all the different booths. This year will be no different. G4 got the first look at the exclusives that Mattel will be offing this year. * Masters of the Universe Classics Skeletor and Mo-Larr from the Robot Chicken sketch – we saw this set at Mattel’s collector event at Toy Fair. Skeletor is missing a tooth, like he is at the end of the sketch. * Masters of the Universe Classics Orko – comes with a Prince Adam “accessory.” Adam, a fully-articulated figure, was positioned in the package sideways below Orko, obscured partially by standard packaging. When you dip Orko in hot water, he turns transparent and “disappears.” When you dip his spellbook in hot water, the SDCC logo appears. I imagine the SDCC logo is exclusive to the version that will be sold at SDCC, but I’m not sure if Orko’s disappearing act is ...