Can the beautifully complex The Birth of a Nation survive against an impossible wave of scandal? Review by Matt Cummings If the current political and social climate of our country has you wanting for something more pure and true, The Birth of a Nation comes at just the right time, for what should be Director/Writer Nate Parker's finest hour. The question is whether his untenable personal scandal will wreck this incredible film's chances for Oscar success and cinematic immortality. Life in the deep South of the early 1800's is one of blacks in bondage and cruel masters intent on seeing their property remain so. Even with these roles so clearly defined, the educated Virginia slave Nat Turner (Parker) enjoys a markedly better life. His owner Samuel Turner (Armie Hammer) sees great things in Nat, allowing him to run a small church on the plantation and even defends him against more abusive owners like Raymond Cobb (Jackie Earl Haley). But Samuel is also keenly ...