NBC’s upcoming 13-episode miniseries that reboots the popular 2006 superhero drama series. Heroes Reborn , from Heroes creator Tim Kring, will replicate the basic elements of the show’s first season in which ordinary people were waking up to the fact that they had extraordinary abilities, though the producers are keeping details on the plot under wraps. But I have learned that Coleman will reprise his character as Noah Bennett aka HRG, or the Man in the Horn-Rimmed Glasses, a nickname given to him by fans before the character’s real name was revealed. HRG, a former agent with the Company and father to cheerleader Claire Bennett (Hayden Panettiere), started off as a recurring but quickly became a fan favorite, with Coleman promoted to regular midway through Season 1. At the NBC upfront last month, NBC Chairman Bob Greenblatt indicated that “some of the familiar faces from the show are bound to drop in” on Heroes Reborn. I hear that a handful of the original stars have been appro...