To celebrate his upcoming birthday, Mickey Mouse is embarking on a trip around the world, where he will make surprise appearances in iconic, real-world locations to delight his fans and friends. These magical moments chronicling Mickey’s global adventures will be captured and shared on Disney’s Mickey Mouse Facebook page, culminating with the debut of a video highlighting Mickey’s travels featuring an upbeat new song, “What We Got.” The video will debut on the big day: November 18. Mickey fans are encouraged to join the celebration on social media using #HappyBirthdayMickey. In advance of Mickey’s birthday, Disney has launched the Mickey Mouse Instagram account (@MickeyMouse). Following on the popularity of the Mickey Mouse Facebook page, which has more than 13 million followers, Mickey’s Instagram page will showcase videos and images including Mickey’s global travels, as well as his appearances in Disney films, television shows, and theme parks. On Mickey’s birthday, select loca...