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Showing posts with the label Matt Kindt


Advance Preview: Dark Horse's Star Wars Rebel Heist

The newest Star Wars release arrives looking great. Read on to learn more.  Story By: Dave Beusing Matt Kindt has taken on an obscene number of comic book assignments over the past year. Ever since he became the author de jour following the critical success of Mind MGMT (one of the best comics on the stands for 2+ years now), his name has been all over the comic book market. From DC’s Villains Month (he wrote Solomon Grundy , Deadshot , & Harley Quinn ) to Marvel Knights: Spider-Man (really great Spidey mini-series; like Arkham Asylum meets the Webhead) to Valiant Comics Unity (think: their Avengers), Kindt has been working his ass off. All of this is to say, there’s a moment of hesitation, a tentative fear that his new 4 issue miniseries, Star Wars: Rebel Heist from Dark Horse, will sag under the weight of his impressive workload. Fortunately, it’s only a moment of hesitation. And then you take a look at that Kindt-painted cover of Han Solo and a blue a...