The new trailer for The Smurfs is here. The Smurfs is an upcoming live-action/CGI-animated family film directed by Raja Gosnell , written by J. David Stem and David N. Weiss, and stars Neil Patrick Harris, Jayma Mays, Hank Azaria and Sofía Vergara, with the voices of Jonathan Winters, Katy Perry, Jeff Foxworthy, Paul Reubens, Alan Cumming, and George Lopez . Produced by Jordan Kerner, the film will be distributed by Columbia Pictures. It will be the first CGI/live-action hybrid film in The Smurfs franchise. Watch the trailer after the Jump... Set in the Middle Ages, the evil wizard Gargamel (Hank Azaria) and his cat, Azrael, discover the Smurfs' village and chase them into some woods. The Smurfs get scattered and Clumsy Smurf (voiced by Anton Yelchin) wanders into a "forbidden" grotto and some of the other Smurfs follow. But Papa Smurf just warns about the grotto, where all Smurfs should never go into this little cave. Since it's also a blue moon, a mag...