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Re-Release Will Feature Eight Minutes of Exclusive Bonus Footage Featuring Commentary from Amy Adams and Director Denis Villeneuve  On the heels of receiving 8 Oscar® nominations for the acclaimed film ARRIVAL, Paramount Pictures is re-releasing the critically-acclaimed and award-winning film in theatres across the country this Friday, January 27. The re-release will include exclusive bonus footage featuring thought-provoking commentary and a behind-the-scenes look from Director Denis Villeneuve, Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner, and other cast and filmmakers. The bonus features, which can only be seen in theatres, shed insight on the filmmaking process and creative vision behind the story. The film has earned over $170M globally since November. In addition to its Oscar nominations for Best Picture and Best Director, the AFI, PGA, WGA, SAG, Critics Choice Awards, and National Board of Review have lauded ARRIVAL. The film’s star Amy Adams recently received the National Board of Rev...

Movie Review: #Arrival

The brainy and beautiful Arrival is also a powerful cinematic experience. Review by Matt Cummings WARNING: This review contains mild spoilers. If the cinema year of 2016 has proven one thing, it's that Hollywood still isn't afraid to let loose with an intelligent film while impaling us with big, dumb (and only sometimes enjoyable) action fare. Arrival is a triumph of modern film-making, a bold, intelligent tale that's far deeper than the trailers might suggest, and immediately establishes itself as one of a handful of must-see films this Fall. Linguistic Dr. Louise Banks (Amy Adams) is summoned to one of 12 landing sites throughout the world to decode messages by an alien species she lovingly refers to as Abbott and Costello. These gigantic multipeds utter a seemingly incomprehensible language, punctuated by a beautiful inky broken circular writing. These 12 massive crescent-shaped vessels stand elegantly on their sides, suspended by anti-gravity that all...