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Christian Bale Cast In Steve Jobs Biopic

UPDATE : Bloomberg has talked to a highly-placed source (one Aaron Sorkin ), who confirms Bale is aboard. “We needed the best actor on the board in a certain age range and that’s Chris Bale ,” Sorkin says. “He didn’t have to audition. Well, there was a meeting.” You can see him use an extended sports metaphor in the Bloomberg video here. But we sort of wish he'd announced it like this. He was talked about back when David Fincher was considering directing the film, and it would appear that Sony is still interested in Christian Bale. The actor is now in talks for the Steve Jobs biopic that the studio is looking to make. Danny Boyle remains in the director’s chair for the film, which Aaron Sorkin has been busy writing. Sorkin’s script, which is based on Walter Isaacson’s bestselling authorised biography of the man, focuses on three big moments in Jobs’ corporate life, including the launch of the Mac, the NeXT (which was introduced after he was removed from the company) and the ...