Flash Gordon Film-Will It Ever Happen? Following the release of "The Crazies" earlier this year, director Breck Eisner's next project could be a remake of John Carpenter's "Escape from New York." However, Eisner recently extended his option for Alex Raymond's classic sci-fi comic strip " Flash Gordon ," with an eye towards directing it down the line. "'Flash Gordon' is a total passion project for me," said Eisner during an interview with Fearnet. "We've just extended the option and the studio's very committed in trying to make it happen." "It's just a gigantic 3D experience with years of prep," continued Eisner. "It’s one of those movies you get once in a lifetime to make and for me it's been a passion of mine since I was a kid. If I could pick and just control everything I would love to make 'Flash Gordon,' it's really kind of my dream job, but it's multi-year, in...