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Showing posts with the label Bradley Cooper. movie review


Movie Review: #WarDogs

The sobering comedy War Dogs encourages extreme both laughter and forces scorn at a corrupt system. Review by Matt Cummings August is typically a pretty bleak month for film, sporting incredible losers from the second week on, as studios keep their more high-profile films for the Labor Day weekend crowds. But with so many high-profile failures this summer, it's quite unclear just what audiences want these days. Luckily, War Dogs proudly stands up to declare its awesomeness, even if its box office chances feel like a slaughter is imminent. For loser David Packouz (Miles Teller), poor life choices have forced the Miami native into all kinds of dead-end jobs including male massage therapist and selling bed sheets to financially-strapped rest homes. At the same time, his middle-school buddy Efraim (Jonah Hill) is raking in the dough by fulfilling government weapons contracts during the Iraq War. And he's doing it in small batches, thanks to a recent policy of op...