New trailer for STX Entertainment's intense thriller with a powerhouse ensemble cast, SECRET IN THEIR EYES (opens nationwide on November 20). Written and directed by Academy Award® nominee Billy Ray (Captain Phillips, The Hunger Games), and produced by Academy Award® winner Mark Johnson (Rain Man, "Breaking Bad"), Secret In Their Eye s is an intense, powerful, haunting thriller starring Academy Award® nominee Chiwetel Ejiofor , and Academy Award® winners Nicole Kidman and Julia Roberts . A tight-knit team of rising investigators - Ray (Chiwetel Ejiofor) and Jess (Julia Roberts), along with their supervisor Claire (Nicole Kidman) - is suddenly torn apart when they discover that Jess's teenage daughter has been brutally and inexplicably murdered. Now, thirteen years later, after obsessively searching every day for the elusive killer, Ray finally uncovers a new lead that he's certain can permanently resolve the case, nail the vicious murderer, and bring l...