This year – perhaps more than any other in film history – has given us some of the best and most disappointing/terrible films of all time. Perhaps it's the media machine that seems to make every movie look like the second coming of Jesus, or Moses, or William Shatner. Those lofty expectations certainly held up with The Avengers; but there were also a healthy share of films that left us unfulfilled, like my oft-used prom queen analogy, who fails to put out after a night of courting and outright begging for something magical to occur. Maybe you liked Prometheus even after a preview that looked so amazing. That's fair. No matter where you stand, here's SJF's most disappointing releases – because we love to rub Hollywood's screw ups in their faces. Just so we're clear, the word ' disappointing ' refers to: Films that were highly anticipated, either for their casting/director or because the previews suggested a much better film than we actually got...