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Win Tickets To An Advance Screening For #GOODKILL In San Francisco

Win Tickets To An Advance Screening For GOOD KILL on May 21st at 7:30 PM in San Francisco. In the shadowy world of drone warfare, combat unfolds like a video game–only with real lives at stake. After six tours of duty, Air Force pilot Tom Egan ( Ethan Hawke ) yearns to get back into the cockpit of a real plane, but he now fights the Taliban from an air-conditioned box in the Las Vegas desert. When he and his crew start taking orders directly from the CIA, and the stakes are raised, Egan's nerves—and his relationship with his wife ( Mad Men's January Jones )—begin to unravel. Revealing the psychological toll drone pilots endure as they are forced to witness the aftermath of their fight against insurgents, Andrew Niccol ( Gattaca, Lord of War ) directs this riveting insider’s view of 21st-century warfare, in which operatives target enemies from half a world away. See how to win tickets after the Jump... Make sure to  LIKE   SandwichJohnFilms  on...


  GOOD KILL WILL BE RELEASED THEATRICALLY ON FRIDAY, MAY 15th and it will be on VOD beginning May 22nd.  Major Tommy Egan ( Ethan Hawke ) is fighting a war from the safety of a Nevada trailer, but commitment to the mission comes at a price. See all the images after the Jump... Major Tommy Egan ( Ethan Hawke ) is fighting a war from the safety of a Nevada trailer, but commitment to the mission comes at a price. Gattaca director Andrew Niccol reunites with Ethan Hawke for this timely drama about the human costs of advanced war technology. Directed by: Andrew Niccol Screenplay by: Andrew Niccol Starring: Ethan Hawke, January Jones, Zoe Kravitz, Bruce Greenwood and Jake Abel Release Date: May 15 (Theatrical and VOD) Running Time: 103 minutes Please Leave A Comment-

Twilight's Stephenie Meyer Adult Novel "The Host" To Become A Movie

Twilight's Stephenie Meyer Adult Novel "The Host" To Become A Movie It's not like she already doesn't have the adults on her side with her Twilight novel's now she is really going to hook them with her novel " The Host " which is also going to be made into a film. Do you hear that? He bank account getting even Bigger. Producers Nick Wechsler, Steve and Paula Mae Schwartz have used their own money to acquire screen rights to “The Host,” the first adult novel written by Stephenie Meyer , author of the “Twilight” series. Andrew Niccol will write the script and direct. Meyer’s novel is a love story set in the near future on Earth, which has been assimilated by an alien species that call themselves “Souls.” They are benevolent parasites that subsume the conscious of humans and take possession of their bodies. One such soul, The Wanderer (so named because she has wandered among so many different worlds) is fused with a dying human named Melanie Stryder, ...