TV Recap: Reign (Finale) "Slaughter Of Innocence" By: Sue Henry proves he’s still the King of Crazy Town. In the middle of the night he has summoned everyone to the courtyard urgently. He plans to find the person responsible for his assassination attempt, he gotten new guards, and now he has been told by God how to find the guilty. He has a group from the palace gathered as he taunts them that the sword will chose the guilty. His ghost talks to him, and calms him telling him to let the souls confess their sins themselves, that God likes that best. He asks who has gone to confessional and one man admits that he has. He asks if the man has fornicated or taken the Lord’s name in vain since, he has not. Henry skewers the man, for being more ready than him. He tells the people to prepare for the Celebration of Calais as the sun rises. Francis always looked up to his father growing up, but that man is gone. Francis knows that the sanity he saw in his father is long gone...