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Ryan Reynolds Wants A Deadpool Film

Though DC diehards will no doubt be eagerly anticipating the big screen arrival of Green Lantern come June 17, there are still millions of us just as excited about the potential of Marvel’s “ Merc With The Mouth ” getting his chance to shine in his own lead role. Empire was on set to speak with Mr. Reynolds himself for our feature on the willpower-wielding cosmic cop (see the current issue), we took a bit of time out with him to talk about Deadpool , beginning with the obvious question… what’s the deal there then? “Deadpool’s still in the works,” he insists. “I’m not sure how logistically it works in terms of scheduling, but yeah, I want it to happen.” And what about the clash of two potential superhero brands, Green Lantern vs. Deadpool? “Those two universes are completely different,” contends Reynolds. “Superhero movies are so pervasive in pop culture, I don’t look at the as superhero roles as much as just roles. They’re such different people. Deadpool is about a guy in a ...