The unconventional but flawed comedy Going in Style mostly keeps our attention. Mostly. Review by Matt Cummings There's a trap in this business that many reviewers seem unable to avoid: they expect too much from movies, either in terms of story, characters, or other unrealistic forces. Not every movie needs to be an Oscar winner, nor does it have to be the best movie you've ever seen. Sometimes movies can merely entertain, like a light dessert that's instantly forgettable but still satisfying at the time. Such is the case with Going in Style , an unconventional comedy that spends way too much time building up its story, only to see it end exactly the way we predicted. Three lifelong friends - Willie (Morgan Freeman), Joe (Michael Caine), and Albert (Alan Arkin) - learn that their steel mill pensions are being ended after the company's sale, putting all three out on the street within 30 days. For Joe it's the most recent slap in the face, after hi...