Reagan strikes again!
Story By David Clark
The latest episode of Blue Bloods starring: Tom Selleck (Frank Reagan), Bridget Moynahan (Erin Reagan), Donnie Wahlberg (Det. Danny Reagan), Will Estes (Officer Jamie Reagan), Vanessa Ray (Officer Eddie Jenko), Marisa Ramirez (Det. Maria Baez), and guest starring Max Adler (Andy Fisher), Frank Liotti (Victor Dano) Dan Hedaya (Vincent Rella) - focuses on a mob investigation involving Erin, Danny, and Maria. Frank Reagan faces an opportunity in exchange for a favor and Jamie Reagan watches his partner struggle with an officer involved shooting.
Recap: Commissioner Frank Reagan is approached by Mayor Poole (David Ramsey) to perform a favor involving an arrest made by one of Reagan’s officers. This provides Commissioner Reagan with an opportunity, the New York Police Department has been pushing the Mayor’s office for a budget increase to NYPD retirement pensions. When Poole’s request for a favor falls on deaf ears he attempts to bribe Frank by bringing the pension discussions into the negotiation. Though people within the commissioner's office see this as an opportunity Frank disagrees. Frank believes the integrity of his office is more important than leveraging a favor for a budget increase. He informed the his subordinates that giving into the Mayor on this situation would set a dangerous precedent for future favors.
Frank refuses to comply with the Mayor’s request and allows the situation to unfold within proper agency procedures. The investigation unfolds in a manner favorable to the Mayor’s office even though Frank refused to give into Poole’s request. Given how the situation unfolded Frank made sure the Mayor knew he did not perform the requested favor. Despite the loss of leverage with the Mayor a mutual respect was on display in the final scene and the Mayor implied that the officers would receive their pension increases.
Jamie Reagan and his partner open up seeing a non-deputised community patrolman named Andy detaining a young thief. It quickly becomes clear that this over eager community watchmen wants to play a more active role in law enforcement. Going beyond his legal jurisdiction Andy investigates a dangerous drug dealer. When Andy witnessing a shooting involving the drug dealer he disobeys a direct order by Jamie to stand down and ends up taking a bullet from the suspect. The ensuing situation forces Jenko to fire upon and kill the offending drug dealer.
Following the shooting Officer Jenko begins struggling with the realization that she took a life. Jamie, understanding how difficult the burden of the situation can be grows concerned for Jenko but does not force Jenko to discuss her feelings. When Andy attempts to thank Officer Jenko for saving his life after his foolish actions Jenko responds out of character and verbally explodes. In no small terms she informs Andy that he was stupid for risking his life and the lives of Jenko and Jamie.
The relationship between Officer Jenko and Jamie has, on multiple occasions, been borderline flirtatious and it is clear the two care about each others welfare. When Jenko finally falls apart under the pressure from the shooting she turns to Jamie for help. Even though the two come to a verbal understanding that Jamie is only helping as a partner the two clearly have chemistry as Jamie holds her.
Erin Reagan opens up the episode in plea bargaining negotiations. The case grows complicated when the key witness named Vincent Rella is put into witness protection by a federal agency. The case against the defendant, Victor Dano, can not move forward without the key witness but the federal agency has no desire to assist Erin by allowing her access to Vincent.
Not being one to give up Erin tracks down a relative of Vincent and finds a way to contact him even though he is under federal protection. The likelihood of convicting Victor looks even bleaker when Vincent refuses Erin’s appeal to testify after she tracks him down. In a last ditch effort to save the investigation Erin draws upon the granddaughter of Vincent to try and talk him into risking his life to testify. The family angle works for Erin and she finally secures a hesitant guarantee from Vincent that he would risk his life to help convict known mob member Victor Dano.
The federal agency responsible for protecting Vincent refuses to assist in his protection after Erin convinced him to leave witness protection to testify. Erin pulls in the heavy hitting guardian angels when she recruits detectives Danny and Maria (her brother and his partner) to protect her new witness. As expected mob members loyal to Dano make a drive by attempt on the life of Vincent; thanks to the expertise of Dannie and Maria the assassination attempt fails and Vincent successfully testifies against Dano.
Yet another episode has come and gone whereby the Reagan clan bettered the nefarious criminals. However, questions persist: Will Jenko recover from the shooting and manage to strap on her gun once again? Will Jamie and Jenko once again venture down a road that causes them to explore their feelings towards each other after Jamie agreed to spend the night with her to support her? Perhaps next week will shed light on these questions.
Stay tuned!