This week's episode of Inside the Bucket is online! Revel in the digital mastery!
On this week's episode of Inside the Bucket, Matt and Brandon make fun of a (yet again) absent Sandwich John, while they bitch about movies and the new television season. They cover a variety of movie and television news, which can be found on our site SANDWICHJOHNFILMS.COM. Please check out all the links to the stories we covered in today's podcast.
Later, the boys cover a wide variety of items during their Rants and Raves segment, before moving into a review The Equalizer.
We hope you laugh as much as we do bringing the show to you. As always, thanks to everyone for your continued support, and we'll see you at one of our screenings.
Please make sure to check out our website SANDWICHJOHNFILMS.COM and make sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!
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