Big Movie Questions of 2014 By: Matt Cummings Read on to learn whether our Big Movie Questions of 2014 might need to be re-titled 'Top Movie Questions of 2015.' With 2013 in the books, we're continuing a tradition here at SJF by looking forward to the big movie questions of 2014. And while last year provided us with entertaining answers to the questions we posed back in February, 2014 looks to have just as many. Without any fanfare whatsoever, we now present the Big Movie Questions of 2014 . Is 2015 already eclipsing 2014? Take a look at 2015, and you'll see what could be the most impressive list of films to come in a single year: The Avengers: Age of Ultron , the as-yet-untitled Batman/Superman movie, Fast 7 , and Mission: Impossible are but a few. Moviegoers are salivating for these tentpole titles, while ignoring the potentially bigger releases of 2014, including Captain America: The Winter Soldier , Guardians of the Galaxy, Transformers: Age of E...