Sam Worthington Crazy Talk About A Terminator Sequel
Sam Worthington has a crazy idea for a Terminator sequel. And it starts out with them going back in time. Doesn't that sound familiar or similar to Terminator 2?
I had an idea that we'd go back in time to when Marcus was first put in jail. They broke Linda Hamilton out of jail in [Terminator 2: Judgment Day], out of the nuthouse. In this one, they'd (John Connor) have to go back in time and break Marcus out of jail. It's the same kind of mirror image. He would be more fallible, because he's human; he's not metallic. He can get hurt. He still has the gung-ho attitude, but he can get hurt now.I think that I might be one of the few who actually enjoyed Terminator Salvation, didn't think that it was a bad film. Sam admits that when he told people about this idea they didn't go for it. He would like to take the Marcus character to another leave and would like to star in another Terminator film.