James Cameron Talks To Marc Webb About Upcoming Spider-Man Film
Following the smash success of “Avatar,” James Cameron is Hollywood’s new guru of greatness. It’s no surprise, then, that filmmakers looking to master the complexities of 3-D, science-fiction and state-of-the-art special effects are seeking him out for guidance as if he were a bearded man sitting atop a mountain.
Now, in a new development that should thrill fans of our friendly neighborhood webslinger, MTV News has learned the name of the latest filmmaker to meet with Cameron: "Spider-Man" director Marc Webb.
“Last [week] we met the director of [the next ‘Spider-Man’ film],” Cameron’s producing partner Jon Landau revealed to us when he stopped by the MTV studio, explaining that the “Avatar” filmmaker and Spider-Man’s new gatekeeper compared notes Wednesday evening. “[Webb] wants to do the next one in 3-D, which they’ve announced that they want to do. So, we want to try to support that as much as possible.”
Although such an exchanging of professional pleasantries isn’t typically noteworthy, this one is intriguing for two reasons. First, Cameron himself wrote a treatment for "Spider-Man" back in 1991, but after his brief flirtation with the webhead fizzled out, he insisted that any director following Sam Raimi’s films would be getting his “sloppy seconds.” Secondly, the recent revelation that the Spider-Man reboot will be in 3-D can be coupled with Landau’s comments to indicate that Cameron is happy to advise Webb as he navigates the choppy waters of his blockbuster debut.
The third reason it’s significant? Apparently James Cameron has a thing for Zooey Deschanel romantic comedies.
“One of the things that I love about Jim, he is a huge movie buff; he sees everything,” Landau said of the filmmaker’s frequent movie screenings. “[He’s] always coming out of those saying ‘God, that’s somebody we should look to work with or try to work with.’”
“Jim loved ‘(500) Days of Summer,’” Landau continued. “It’s not something that you would think is necessarily in his wheelhouse, but he really enjoyed that.”
Landau added that both he and Cameron have a firm belief that filmmakers should know if their film will be in 3-D before they shoot — not at some later date.
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