Frank Miller's "Ronin" Graphic Novel Heats Up
First thing that came to your mind was the film that started Robert De Niro with the same title. But you are way off board on this one. No sequel here.
Sylvian White the man who is behind the upcoming film "Losers" gives us some insight to the adaptation of Frank Miller's graphic novel Ronin to be produced by Warner Bros. and the producers behind 300. "Ronin" was Miller's earliest work published by DC Comics in 1983, and follows a reincarnated Ronin (a.k.a. a samurai without a master) through a futuristic dystopian New York City that is suffering, unnervingly, from an unspecified catastrophic economic collapse. The Ronin’s quest is to destroy the demon who imprisoned his soul for about 800 years.
ComingSoon.net/SuperHeroHype spoke with White,
"Yeah absolutely," he responded. "That's something I had to let go of for a period of time while I was directing 'The Losers' but I'm back here in Los Angeles and as I'm finishing post-production on 'The Losers,' I will be diving back into the development of 'Ronin.' I'm just working along with the studio executives developing the story elements and they're attaching a writer in the spring to do a new pass on it."
"It's a very complex graphic novel and it needs very careful attention," he continued, "Of course to make a movie of that scale, you need a lot of money to pay it justice, especially with the incredible visuals that Frank Miller has in it, but at the same time, in order to get a lot of money to make the movie, it has to have enough commercial appeal, so I'm trying to balance those two things together to make the movie accessible but still smart and throw with all the great ideas and grand ideas that it has. Conceptually, it's such an amazing property, so I think it's strong appeal in that sense, and even for people, I think visually in the trailer, people will be gravitating towards that kind of subject matter and that kind of character, it's amazing."
"I'm taking my time with it," he said. "If I'm able to stay on it and develop it the way I want, I just want it to be done right. I don't want to rush it or anything like that. I want the right writer on it and it to be done carefully. So that is one of the projects I have in development."
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