Watch the First 8 Minutes of ABC's " V " Television Show I was a huge fan of the original show when it came out in the early 80's, The lizard under the human skin. Forget about it. What we have heard is that ABC is going to air four episode this November, then the show will return in March sometime. Well we will see if it returns. If the ratings are shit I don't see them airing the remaining episodes. I will have my fingers crossed, what I saw at Comic Con looked pretty good, but there is rumbling that there are some issues behind the scenes and the show had a few scenes redone. Giant spaceships appear over all major cities of the world, and Anna, the beautiful and charismatic leader of the extra-terrestrial "Visitors," claims to come in peace. As a small number of humans begin to doubt the sincerity of the seemingly benevolent Visitors, FBI counter-terrorism agent Erica Evans discovers that the aliens have spent decades infiltrating human governments an...