Star Wars In Concert-Sacramento Review
By: April Meneghetti
Sandwichjohnfilms would like thank the guy over at DCpublicity and Star Wars In Concert for the great seats to the show on Oct 9,2009.By: April Meneghetti
Star Wars In Concert was an awesome show. There were some really great costumes in the crowd and I loved seeing all the kids pumped up to see the concert. I have to say that I was very surprised that Arco Arena was not more full. Sandwichjohnfilms was lucky enough to be able to attend the Friday and Saturday show and neither one was even close to filling the Arena.
The show was a combination of the the music of Star Wars, John Williams composed the music for all six films, and clips from all six movies with Anthony Daniels (who portrayed C-3PO) narrating. The show started and ended with a montage of all of the films. The rest was presented in more or less a chronological order in pieces with titles such as The Rise of A Hero and A Fateful Love to name a few. It definitely met with the approval with such hard core Star Wars fans such as sandwichjohnfilms and others new to the Star Wars universe. I have to admit that I was getting a little upset towards the end since they had not shown the clip that I thought was one of the most important which is the birth of Luke and Leia, but it was in the last montage thankfully. I am also pleased that it did not show the one clip that will make me cry every time (just ask John) which is Anakin killing the Younglings.

One thing that I really loved about the concept of this type of show is that it gets people out to see a orchestra perform live who would not normally see it. As a former band geek it made want to get out the flute and start playing again. Definitely go see this show if it is coming anywhere close to where you live, you will have a great time.
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