Not sure any man can really step in to John Wayne's Shoes but it looks like Matt Damon is going to see if the shoe fits.
Interesting move for the Coen Brothers to go this route with a remake to a 1947 western movie. If anyone can pull it off, it would be these two guys.
Paramount Pictures and the Oscar-winning writer-director team are moving fast on their re-adaptation of the Charles Portis novel, first reaching out to Jeff Bridges, and now Damon and Brolin, to potentially star. Damon would take on the Glen Campbell role of a Texas Ranger tracking an outlaw along with a gruff U.S. marshal originally played by John Wayne, who won an Oscar for his role in the 1969 Western.
All three actors are in discussions with the studio, which hopes to move into production in the spring. The story concerns a 14-year-old girl traveling into dangerous territory with the two lawmen in search of the man who murdered her father, who Brolin would play.
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