British actor Ben Whishaw has been cast as Q in the new Bond film Skyfall, his agent has confirmed. The role of 007's gadget designer was played by Desmond Llewelyn in From Russia With Love and most recently by John Cleese , opposite Pierce Brosnan, in 2002's Die Another Day. At the age of 31, Whishaw is 12 years younger than Bond actor Daniel Craig , a first for the Q character. Whishaw recently starred in the BBC's 1950s news drama The Hour . He is due to play Richard II opposite Rory Kinnear in a new BBC Shakespeare adaptation which is part of next year's cultural programming to coincide with the Olympics. The actor played Ariel in Julie Taymor's recent film adaptation of The Tempest opposite Dame Helen Mirren. His other credits include Criminal Justice, Brideshead Revisited and the literary big screen adaptation of Perfume. Q is the head of Branch Q, the fictional armoury division of the secret service. He appeared briefly in the first Bond fil...