Ridley Scott is returning to the futuristic world of Blade Runner , his iconic 1982 film, for a new feature for Warners-based Alcon Entertainment. Adapted from Philip K. Dick’s story Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?,” Scott’s original film -- with its mix of rainy, neon-lit exteriors, its human-like androids call replicants, and its shadowy, controlling corporation -- established a template for dystopian views of the future. In 2007, it was named the second most visually influential film of all time by the Visual Effects Society. While the new movie is being described as a “follow-up” to the first film, the filmmakers have not yet disclosed whether it will function as a prequel or a sequel to the original. One thing it won't be, though, is a re-make, Alcon co-head Andrew Kosove said. "We very fortunate that Ridley Scott has decided to come back to one of his seminal movies," he added. "And with Ridley, I can tell you it will be fresh and original." Wi