Videogame movies are becoming so common that we're even getting one based on Angry Birds . Making a film based on a plotless puzzle game pitting birds against pigs is a stretch, sure, but it's nothing compared to the news that we might see a flick based on FarmVille sometime soon. (And you thought those Facebook invitations were annoying.) In an interview to promote their upcoming game Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure, writers Alec Sokolow and Joel Cohen (who co-wrote a little flick called Toy Story a while back) dropped a not so subtle hint about a project they're working on with Zynga, the developer who has produced FarmVille, Mafia Wars and a host of other addictive games that plague your social networking feed. "So, yes, we will continue writing movies. We are also working on several new and very exciting opportunities. We're in conversations with Zynga to do something with one of their brands. Can't really say too much on that front yet, but 'Old...