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Showing posts with the label Warp Films


Will "Blood Oath" Be The Male Version Of Twilight?

Will "Blood Oath" Be The Male Version Of Twilight? UPDATE: According to Heat Vision Lucas Foster and his Warp Films have picked up the rights to “Blood Oath,” From what I have heard about "Blood Oath" it is going to be nothing less than a hit. You know for sure Hollywood will be calling. Christopher Farnsworth is that your phone ringing? With the success Of the Twilight franchise and True Blood, just to name a few, anything with Vampires in it is the new flavor of the week. But only a great story and writer can make it a success. I am hoping that Mr. Farnsworth will indeed succeed. If this book does get turned into a film it will be a refreshing look at vampires, no more vampire love stories or who's team are you on. Just a bad ass movie. We need to get back to being Ballsy!! Now here's a political-thriller concept with bite: Putnam will release "Blood Oath," which tells the tale of Nathaniel Cade, a vampire who has secretly served...