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@FunkoDCLegion Review: November 2016

Legion's BATMAN VILLAINS box exposes Funko's larger, long-term problem. Review by Matt Cummings After several months of outstanding boxes, DC's Legion of Collectors has already proven its worth with July's SUICIDE SQUAD and September's WOMEN OF DC. But just like their other brands which include Marvel Collector Corps and Smuggler's Bounty, Funko is in...well...a funk. Hampered by the same sorts of boxes release after release, the company is starting to show signs of fatigue. Nowhere else is this more prevalent than in November's BATMAN VILLAINS, a box that at best is a push, and at worst exposes a long-term problem with the company's business plan. The Promise Before we begin, let's look at the deal again: promising a value of $50, the sub continues the tradition of Funko partnering each time to deliver an exclusive figure and t-shirt without the fluff or filter (their words). Joining at the VIGILANTE MEMBERSHIP, members rec...