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Showing posts with the label The Missing Man


Batman & Robin, Volumes 1 & 2 Reviews

Look who's back. THE MISSING MAN . He is back with his review for Batman and Robin, Volumes 1 and 2 . Make sure to follow THE MISSING MAN On Twitter . I know, I know. I promised to write this review a long time ago, but things keep happening in my life. No, not anything nearly as dramatic as what Richard (I can't bring myself to call him "Dick") and Damian live through, but enough to keep me from writing a review on this blog. At least up until now. I borrowed these two graphic novels from my local public library (I love should, too) and read through them in a few evenings. Not exactly peaceful and calming material to go through right before bedtime, but they inspired some truly entertaining dreams. But what are they about, anyway? The story of this Batman and Robin , starring Richard Grayson as the heir apparent to the "Mantle of the Bat" and Damian Wayne, the unlikely son of Bruce and Talia al Ghul, is set in the period of time when

Will Tom Welling Suit Up As Superman? Or Should He

We have another great article by our guest writer Jonathan Cyfer . Make sure to check out his blog and follow him on twitter . No, I'm not asking if Tom Welling should portray Clark Kent/Superman in the upcoming Superman: Man of Steel (2012) film. Henry Cavill already won that role. Let it go, rabid Tom Welling/Smallville fans. Let it go. I mean, should Tom Welling actually portray the Man of Steel in full Superman costume in the last reel of the two-hour Smallville series finale scheduled to air on May 13th? In other words, should Tom Welling actually be Superman on the small screen for any length of time at the end of the series? My answer is " no ". OK, here's my take. The entire series is based on the audience watching Clark develop his abilities and his personality, from a 15 year old kid who, at the start of the series, is just beginning to become aware of his powers, who he is, and (gasp) where he really comes from ("You mean you're no