Chris Weitz To Direct "The Gardener" Sorry Twilight Fans Chris Weitz, riding high on the mammoth success of New Moon, certainly can't be accused of resting on his laurels. No sooner had the printer ink dried on his record-breaking box-office take for the Twilight sequel than he was sat straight back down again in the deal-making chair at the films' studio, Summit Entertainment, where he was signing on the dotted line for his next project, "The Gardener". And sorry to disappoint you Twi-hards, but there's nary a mopey supernatural teen in sight. This will mark a considerable change of pace from Weitz's last two films (before New Moon, he was put through the ringer on visual effects Oscar-winning The Golden Compass), involving as it does... well, a gardener. A Mexican gardener, to be specific, who according to Variety, lives in Los Angeles and takes measures to protect his son. At this point we don't even know if this is a thriller, drama, comedy o...