Amazon Studios and Entertainment One (eOne) are currently in production on the Untitled Mary J. Blige documentary directed by Oscar-winning filmmaker Vanessa Roth. Blige will serve as an executive producer under her Blue Butterfly banner alongside Tara Long of eOne, Mark Ford and Kevin Lopez of Creature Films, with Sean Combs, and Ashaunna Ayars, Nicole Jackson of Blue Butterfly. Twenty-five years ago, Mary J. Blige released her seminal album “My Life”. At the time, she was dealing with many personal struggles that she was able to channel into an emotional masterpiece that is uniquely beloved and universally celebrated. Now, Mary J. Blige is revisiting this music and reflecting on the woman she was then… and the woman she has become. The film provides a personal and never before seen look into the emotional journey of Mary J. Blige’s past struggles with poverty, abuse, addiction and heartbreak. This raw and honest film follows the music legend as she heads out on a special con