The newest episode of Inside the Bucket is online! Revel in the digital mastery! It's a gathering of epic proportions on Episode 53 of Inside the Bucket , as Matt is joined by the entire editorial and writing team, deep in the bowels of the SandwichJohnFilms Studios. David, Brandon, Sue, John and newbie Erika crowd into the cage, bearing the weight of John's Costco hot dog burps as they deliver the best movie and television news from our website SANDWICHJOHNFILMS.COM , including their reaction to Felicity Jones starring in the Star Wars spinoff. Please check out these and other stories which we've included below. With John’s burps subsiding, the five - with Erika Tweeting out - get into their Rants and Raves, where they all the things they're watching, following, and have their panties in a bind about from the week. Finally, they review Run All Night starring Liam Neeson, Ed Harris, and Joel Kinnaman. We want to THANK ALL OF YOU who've stuck with u...