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Showing posts with the label Roger Donaldson Starring : Pierce Brosnan


The November Man On Digital HD™ Blu-ray & DVD November 25th

Pierce Brosnan ’s Explosive, Action-Packed Film The November Man Arrives on Digital HD™ Blu-ray™ and DVD November 25! The November Man Review- Please Leave A Comment-

The November Man Review: Retired Bond Makes Divisive Action Flick

Summer 2014 ends with the divisive The November Man. The was a time in American cinema when audiences would pay to see almost anything starring an action hero. But in recent years, we've undergone a sea change in our expectations; our movie tastes have evolved from the simple 2-Buck-Chuck to a smoother Cabernet, leaving those rather mindless 80's pieces behind in place of something deeper and more gritty. Certainly the performance of The Expendables 3 , Need for Speed , and a half-dozen 2013 action/spy/thriller flicks have shown Hollywood how evolved/fickle American audiences can be. As Summer 2014 comes to a close, we have one more chance to see this theory play out in the enjoyable but divisive The November Man . Former CIA operative Devereaux (Pierce Brosnan) has tried to put that part of his life away, favoring the quiet life instead of bullets, explosions, and tough choices at the end of a barrel. His protégée Mason (Luke Bracey) has carried on the good work, ...