This week's episode of Inside the Bucket is online! Revel in the digital mastery! On this Memorial Day weekend edition of I nside the Bucket , Matt is joined by television writers Sue, David, and Brandon who basically don't respect Matt and his rather Machiavellian recording rules. Who they do respect is all of you great listeners and followers of our site, and sit down to deliver the best movie and television news from our website SANDWICHJOHNFILMS.COM . Beginning with news, the trio discusses Simon Pegg's quote about Star Trek being "too Trek-y" as well Cinematographer Roger Deakens joining Blade Runner 2 . They delve into the frankly awful selection of Blu-rays being released this week and then break down an interesting box office weekend. Please check out these and many other stories which we've included below. After several drinks and a quick nap, they go into Rants and Raves, where they bitch and complain about all the things they're ...