The skit comedy of Keanu isn't anything new, but its pieces conspire to conspicuously entertain. Review by Matt Cummings As someone who's never seen Comedy Central's Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele, the duo's big screen debut in Keanu would seem like a breath of fresh air. Luckily, their arrival is propped up by the best-looking kitten in a film - perhaps ever - and some genuinely funny sketch comedy. After learning that his girlfriend has dumped him, Rell (Peele) finds his world turned upside down. All he has now is his world of movies and marijuana, when his straight-laced cousin Clarence (Key) calls to offer his condolences. Meanwhile across town, a local drug lord and his lair are shot to pieces by the enigmatic Allentown Boys, leading its only survivor - an adorable kitten - to seek a new owner. Eventually, he finds a new home with the smitten Rell, who thinks it's a match made in heaven. Donning him Keanu, human and kitty form an instant bon...