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#GeekFuel Review: May 2016

Geek Fuel's May release brings the geek, but still confuses. Review by Matt Cummings For the past few months, Geek Fuel has shown us something that we never thought would happen: improve the quality of its monthly items without raising the price. That represents a significant change in an industry where consistency has been a real problem. March and April showed us that change was coming, even if the boxes were such a mish-mash that theme could not be discerned. May does the same thing, continuing to expose GFs weak side of timing, but making a good case that they might have learned their lesson. Before diving in, let's review the details: The cost for a Month to Month is $17.90, $16.90/month for a 3-month subscription, $15.90/month for a 6-month tour and just $13.90/month for a one-year subscription. Shipping $6.00 to the US, Canada, and at least a few other countries. We use QUALITY and TIMING to base our reviews, so let's see how this box stands...