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"The Marvel Plan" Through 2028

Here's why we like Marvel's plan to keep you in theaters until 2028.  By: Matt Cummings Marvel Studios has redefined the way we watch movies - what other film series consistently keeps the audience in their seats to wade through the credits?  Their pull has forced a paradigm shift in the way movies and entertainment are marketed and distributed.  Other studios, feeling much like a schoolkid who gets dunked on by the larger stronger baller, are trying to follow suit, but their efforts have been spotty and are short-sighted.  DC's demand to merge Batman vs Superman into a glorified Justice League film demonstrate just how desperate they are to tap in to Marvel's mojo without really knowing how to achieve it. In its first week, WS made over $96 million worldwide. Take the release of  Captain America: The Winter Soldier , a film we personally love, not because we're superfans, but because it's good...really, really good.   Built up slowly and th...