Guillermo del Torro announces new plans for a Pacific Rim sequel. With Godzilla eating up the box office, one has to recognize the first assault on the beach head in terms of bring kaijus back into the movoe consciousness: 2013's Pacfic Rim . While not as runaway success, the movie did earn $411 million worldwide, demonstrating that fans would embrace giant monsters wrecking cities. But, would that mean Pacific Rim would somehow benefit from that fact? Apparently, the answer is Yes. According to the video you're about to see, Director Guillermo del Toro revealed that he is collaborating with Zak Penn on writing deveoping a sequel, and now Universal has confirmed that Pacific Rim 2 will arrive in 3D and IMAX theaters on April 7th, 2017. If you haven't seen the announcement, here it is: Pacific Rim is a guilty SJF pleasure to be sure, but news of a sequel is intriguing. How can a series which seemed to have a definite ending be expanded to include mor...