John Carter Movie Review By: Matt C Is John Carter a welcomed new franchise, or doomed to the bargain bin at Walmart? With the exception of the Marvel franchise, most franchises of late have been exercises in disappointment. I’ll spare you the cavalcade of doomed attempts, but it’s clear that Hollywood is trying almost anything these days to get bums in seats. It’s in this spirit of desperation that someone must have thought John Carter might work, given its myriad of issues. Forget the fact that the target audience for this film knows more about Harry Potter and The Lightning Thief than a former Confederate soldier in post-Civil War America who is transported to Mars to fight another civil war on that dying planet. Also, forget that the main actors ( Lynn Collins and Taylor Kitsch ) last starred together in the equally disappointing X-Men Origins: Wolverine. And forget that Disney is involved, who is known to make the fabulous (Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man’s Chest), a...