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Showing posts with the label Lotte Verbeek


Exclusive Interview With Jean Brassard From #FaultInOurStars

We had the chance to interview Jean Brassard from the film Fault in our Stars . We talk sad films, realistic romance and Dom Perignon with Fault in Our Stars actor Jean Brassard. What’s the saddest film you’ve ever seen? Now there’s a big question to start with! I’d have to say in the last few decades, Brokeback Mountain and Sophie’s Choice. But also, another great adaptation is the movie Waterland, adapted from Graham Swift’s novel. Haunting and heartbreaking. Some describe this film as not so much a sad movie as one of hope. Would you agree? I think it’s a movie about inner strength and connection between people. About being able to deal with the present no matter what the present how hard it can be. That is true of all the characters in the movie to me, allowing oneself to experience the gamut of emotions that it sometimes mean. And to share with the ones you love. And it has a great dose of defiance as well. That’s what dreamers do, don’t they, defy? So I guess th...

The Fault in Our Stars Review: Overly-long Cryfest

The Fault in Our Stars is way too long but says so little. "This is the truth. Sorry." This begins the YA cry-fest The Fault in Our Stars , a film about the difficult subject of teen cancer. And while it tries to tell the truth about love in the waning months of life, Fault never gets to the heart of the matter. Starring Shailene Woodley, Fault centers around 16-year-old Hazel Grace Lancaster, a child who's lived with cancer for most of her life. She's a survivor, but the by-product has lessened her ability to breathe, forcing her to don an oxygen tank 24/7. It's at a cancer support group that she meets the 18-year-old Augustus Waters (Ansel Elgort), a former basketball star whose prosthetic leg doesn't dull his sense of humor or from trying to woo Hazel. Soon, the two become inseparable, with Hazel sharing a favorite book by the author Van Houten (Willem Dafoe) and wishing he would answer her questions about the book's odd ending. The two...